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Thu, Feb 15, 2024, 8:00 AM — 12:00 PM EST

2024 DTE Energy Supplier Engagement Event
Supplier Readiness


02/15/24 8:00 AM 02/15/24 12:00 PM America/New_York 2024 DTE Energy Supplier Engagement Event <span dir="ltr"><span dir="auto"><p><strong><em>The 2024 DTE Energy Supplier Engagement Event is at full capacity!&nbsp;&nbsp;</em></strong></p> <p><em><br> </em></p> <p><em>Businesses interested in connecting with DTE to discuss procurement opportunities should visit the <a href="">DTE Supplier Resource Center</a> for supplier requirements, current Bid Opportunities/Materials & Sourcing Needs, and to contact a buyer. </em></p> <br> <p>Join Pure Michigan Business Connect (PMBC) and DTE Energy for an in-person buyer-supplier matchmaking event on February 15, 2024, focused on supply chain opportunities in renewable energy, distribution operations and other primary sourcing areas at DTE. This event will include one-on-one buyer-supplier meetings for selected businesses along with multiple walk-up buyer-supplier networking tables.&nbsp; &nbsp;<br> </p> <p><br> </p> <p>Supply chain needs may include but are not limited to:</p> <ul><li>Environmental Services</li><li>General Construction Services</li><li>Plumbing Services</li><li>Heating Services</li><li>Substation Construction</li><li>Union contractors with underground electric experience</li><li>Electrical engineering firms with experience in wind, solar and battery generation and operations activities</li><li>Renewable energy construction and operations contractors</li><li>Hard/soft surface restoration</li></ul> <p><br> </p> <p>Event objectives:<br> </p> <ul><li>Identify Michigan-based and diverse suppliers for future needs&nbsp;</li><li>Create new supply chain&nbsp;partnerships&nbsp;&nbsp;</li></ul> <ul><li>Educate suppliers on doing business with DTE and what future sourcing needs may be</li></ul> <br> <p>Attendees will:</p> <ul><li>Learn how do business with DTE</li><li>Participate in pre-scheduled buyer-supplier meetings, if selected*</li><li>Network with DTE supply chain and business units&nbsp;teams&nbsp;at walk-up tables&nbsp;</li></ul> <p><em>*Not all suppliers will be selected for one-on-one meeting opportunities<br> </em></p> <u></u><u><br> </u><br> <u>Agenda</u><br> <u></u>8:00am-9:00am: Check-in, coffee & refreshments, networking at DTE walk-up tables<br> 9:00am-9:10am: Welcome from Pure Michigan Business Connect<br> 9:10am-9:25am: Welcome from DTE;&nbsp;Jas Singh, VP Corporate Services<br> 9:25am-9:40am: Distribution Operations;&nbsp;Ryan Stowe; Vice President – Project Management Office<br> 9:40-9:55am: DTE's Renewable&nbsp;Plan; Knox Cameron, Director – Renewable Solutions<br> 10am-12pm: Buyer-Supplier One-on-One Meetings; Walk-Up Networking Tables<br> <br> <u></u><u>Timeline</u><br> 12/04/2023:&nbsp;Registration &&nbsp;Supplier Application open<br> 1/04/2024: Supplier Application closes&nbsp;<br> 1/05/2024 - 1/18/2024: DTE review/selection for meetings&nbsp;<br> Week of&nbsp;1/22/2024: Suppliers selected for meetings notified&nbsp;<br> 2/15/2024:&nbsp;DTE Energy Supplier Engagement Event<br> <br> Contact with any questions.<br> <br> <br> </span></span> MGM Grand Detroit 1777 3rd Avenue, Detroit, MI 48226 United States Pure Michigan Business Connect false MM/DD/YYYY
Thu, Feb 15, 2024, 8:00 AM — 12:00 PM EST